Letters from a Comic Genius

Sunday, May 23, 2004

You Sexy Thing

I choose this title because of the Tom Jones song. I heard it tonight while walking on the Mt. Holyoke campus. It gave me a cool idea for my future adventure novel/memoir. I'll maybe publish pieces of that later on the blog . . . maybe.

This was the random question on my profile: You have a red jar of cedar chips. Why do moths miss the forest? I have a good answer, but the damn thing only allows 150 characters. Cheap bastard. So here's the real answer. For the rest of the profile, click the link on the right. Answer: They miss the forest for the same reasons we all do: a yearning to be in the wild, for the serenity and beauty of the sylvan environment, the glorious sights and sounds and scents, to be one with the earth, and the total lack of bug zappers. I like cedar mulch, but not red. How about sienna? I like carrying bags of it for my grandmother's garden. I sling one over each shoulder. It's cool because it reminds me how strong I am and feels like two dead bodies I'm carrying around. Where am I carrying them to? I don't know. Why are they dead? I don't know? What am I doing? I don't know. That's the puzzle known as life, mi amigos. There you have it.

I saw a good movie today, Shrek 2. I recommend you see it. I saw it with great company, my bro, and my good friend Dan McLaughlin. I'm very comfortable with him. He's a great guy and I'm glad I know him. For those of you who have seen Shrek 2, here's an image association that'll make you laugh. "Today, I fufill my debt!"

I'm sorry, but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to post the big one. Tonight I was out with Brendan, and, eventually, Andrew. I love those guys. They're good people and make me feel good about myself. They think I'm funny and smart . . . suckers . . . which is a much needed confidence boost. Moreover, Brendan is just fun to be around. We can be serious, silent, or jocular, and it all works. I am so happy to have him as a friend. Tonight we went to the Thirsty Mind, talked there, then to Mt. Holyoke, beautiful at night, and talked there. That was awesome. Just walking the cool grounds at night, talking to my friend. Then we studied at Andy's.

I realized something tonight. We all are complex entities. I went around thinking that I was the only one with problems, but in reality, we all have burdens and frustrations in our lives. All equally great. And, while we can't always solve our own problems, let alone the problems of others, we should use the problems we have to come together and bond, and make each other feel better simply by the closeness friends can have.

I love you, Brendan. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Now, to lighten the mood, a joke.

Rich's Joke Corner:

A man young man was driving under the influence, and was pulled over by a police officer. As the officer got out of the squad car, the man, drunk though he was, saw that it was a sexy woman. Soon she was in the process of arresting him and said, "Anything you say can and will be held against you." The man shouted, "Tits!"

Because I'm in a good mood, and because that joke was bad, how 'bout some more.

A man called in sick to work one day. When his boss asked him what was wrong he said, "I have anal glaucoma." His bewildered boss asked him what that was, and he explained, "I just can't see my ass coming into work."

A three year old boy in the bath tub was exploring his penis. He asked his mother, "Mommy, is this my brain?" His mother said, "Not yet, honey."

Two vultures boarded a plane. Each carried two dead raccoons. The stewardess stopped them and said, "I'm sorry, only one carrion per passenger,"

And finally:

A man took his rotweiller to the vet and said, "My dog's cross-eyed. Is there anything you can do for him?" "Well," said the vet, "Let me have a look at him." The doctor picked the dog up and examined it's eyes. Finally he said, "I'm going to have to put him down." "But why?" said the man, "Just because he's cross-eyed?" "No," the vet replied, "Because he's really heavy."

Goodnight, Folks.

Current Mood: Anxious, tired, choked up.

Current Music: Another Lover, by the Quick Fix. These guys are excellent proof of what I said about music today, Tones. I'll give you a CD of them. I love this song. Brendan Smith wrote it. Everytime I hear it I get all choked up. I love listening to him sing, it gives the songs so much more power than the songs of someone I don't know. There's something about knowing Brendan personally that makes his music that much better. It's even more effective because of who he wrote it about. It's just such a great song. It shows Brendan's superb talent. Thanks also to Justin and David LeTellier for this track.

And now I'm off to hit the hay. Repeatedly. In the face. Because it owes me money. And more than that, annoys me. Stupid, arrogant grass plant.


  • Hello, Richard!

    I must say your "joke corner" amuses me. Thanks for the lengthy comment, it was excessively high praise for what I consider to be a moment of insanity.

    I have a Quick Fix CD here, and I do enjoy it. Mr. Smith is very good.

    I'm going to check out this profile of yours, you deep-thinkin' thesaraus of love, you.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 1:46 AM  

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