Letters from a Comic Genius

Friday, May 21, 2004

Just a Quick One

Howdy. I'm actually composing this here entry from within that crumbling fortress of what was once good and holy, Holyoke Catholic. It's my last official day of school and I suppose I'll feel melancholy eventually, but as fer now, I'm keepin' it together. It'll probably be for me the way it is for other people, the way the dreadful reality only sinks in at the end of the day. I plan on making a long entry tonight regarding . . . everything. High school, my friends, my plans, my beliefs. Also, anyone who likes anything good and fun can come to St. Theresa's Church in my home town of So. Ho. for a night of excellent music provided by one of my all-time favorite peoplein the world, Andrew LeTellier's dad. I really like Mr. LeTellier, he reaffirms my faith in humanity. That's St. Theresa's in South Hadley, from 7 til 9 tonight-a. Be there or be square.

Now, onto the main reason for posting this entry. I'd like my readers to refrain from using my comments page to continue childish bickering. Thank you,
The Management.

I think that's all for now, but let me check my handy dandy . . . NOTEbook. Oh, I'll start a practice I want to institute. Rich's Joke Corner. So, without further ado . . .

Rich's Joke Corner

A four-engine UN plane is flying over the Atlantic from New York on its way to Geneva. A flock of migrating albatrosses flies into the engines and destroy two of them. The plane begins to fall toward the sea. The pilot instructs the delegates to jettison all unnecessary weight. They throw out the luggage. It's still not enough, so they throw out the seats, the carts, anything they can find. The pilot sadly informs them that it's still not enough, the plane needs to lose more weight. The delegates stand in awkward, poignant silence, which is broken by the delegate from the UK. He stands up, says "God save the Queen!" and leaps out of the plane. However, his sacrifice wasn't enough. The French delegate rises, she says, "Vive la France!" and jumps. Still not enough. So the delegate for the United States stands up, walks purposely towards the door, says, "Remember the Alamo!" and throws the Mexican delegate out of the plane.


Oh, alas, poor Sanchez. His noble, unwilling sacrifice saved those people. Thank you, you crazy poncho wearin', marraca shakin', bastard!

That's it, stay posted.

Current Mood: My back hurts, damn these Library chairs.
Current Music: Mr. Roy blab blab blabbin' away.


  • *SOBS*

    I love you, man!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:27 PM  

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