Letters from a Comic Genius

Sunday, May 16, 2004

The First One

Okay. This is officially my first blog. (That one in Houston doesn't count, Trever). I'm quite excited, as evidenced by my nipple erection, and am at a loss for what to write. Usually I'm quite eloquent as far as writing is concerned (when speaking I just stammer out barley audible non-stop jokes). I guess I should start by telling y'all (I used y'all, I'm cool . . . no, wait . . . uncool?) a bit about myself. (Although I don't know what good it will do, as only close friends and enemies will read this). (I need to use more parentheses when I write). Anywho, my name is Richard Joseph Sugrue (II), though I always include a random title or nickname, such as Brigadier General, or "Hacksaw," respectively. I am 5'7", 160 lbs, have a giant golden brown afro, and look out, ladies, am currently single, though hopefully not for much longer. I am a lazy student, a half-hearted Christian, a subversive comedian, a bi-sexual multi-fetishist, an artist, a friend, and an ardent misanthrope. I enjoy lifting weights, reading, film, music, nature, questioning authority, writing, making people laugh, gardening, cooking . . . a lot of stuff but listing. I want to be anything but mediocre. I am Richard and this is my blog.
Okay. For the first entry, now that all the introductions and niceties are out of the way, I think I'd like to just say that I am enormously happy over the success of the final, for this year, anyway, and most daring skit of the HCHSFTCT. (That's Holyoke Catholic Happy Skit and Fun Time Comedy Troupe). (I think). It was a daunting undertaking, and rather complex, what with cues and fight scenes and costumes, and I was worried that it would collapse under it's own weight, but it did not. It soared. It was the hit of the week, nay, the month, and I am grateful to have been part of it, proud to have contributed what I did, and immensely in love with every member of the performance. I would like to thank them all by name:
Tony Celi, for writing the damned thing, handling the casting like a pro, and being drowsily funny throughout the process.
EJ Massa, for helping with revisions, taking charge in some apathetic moments, helping with shopping, handling three back to back costume changes with ease, and providing us with hours of insane hilarity.
Andrew LeTellier, for the great one-liner, keeping us grounded in reality, help with costumes, signs, and administrative duties.
Daniel McLaughlin, for a funny entrance, two great performances, and getting Tony angry.
Nick Labonte, for last minute help and professional acting talent.
Jess Michaud, for filling in last minute and asking questions that got me to keep going.
Caitlin Szewyzck, for a great last minute performance, moral support, and tolerating my butchering her last name.
Tara Maroney, you added extra humour, were great, and dealt admirably with my incompetence.
Enrique Pachieko, you never came to rehearsals, and had us scared, but were awesome.
Meg Lynch, for good natured presence and a great Mrs. Rush.
Marissa Lapointe, for the funniest Sr. Marlene ever, and a professional attitude.
Tricia Parsons, for making the day complete, and some great ad libbed pushing.
Liz Fobare, for help with writing and performing with gusto.
Pawel Binchieck, for ruining a lousy bit and at the same time, making the skit better with a hilarious voice, and also for forgiving my horrible spelling.
Will Murray, for excellent last minute choreography and patience.
Sam Sugrue, for a side-splitting Taft, and great timing.
Stephen Konefal, for perfect coordination, timing, and handling of security.
Tim Goddu, for working so well while surprised and helping a dangerous situation become funny.
Jess Guentte and Robin Garjin, for perfect sluttiness.
Michelle Supernaut, for delivering a crucial line and saving a seat.
Clive W. Taumbaugh, for discovering Pluto.
Evelyn Powell, for bringing grace, sexiness, and remarkable acting talent to a one-note role. And for giving me something to work for.
Mrs. DeStefano, for being a sport and letting us miss deadlines.
Mrs Linnehan, for humouring us and not censoring us.
Mr. Matte, for writing some much needed puns.
Mr. Meyer, for watching us that one time.
Mr. Roy, for drawing it out an extra 15 minutes and being hilarious.
All the teachers who let us portray and mock them.
Anyone who voluteered but didn't help or was ignored in the process.
God, Satan, and SNL.
Tony one more time, he never gets enough credit.
And anyone I was a bastard enough to forget.
Thank you all!
Current Mood: Tired, but happy.
Current Music: Mike Doughty's awesome alt- folk- soft-rock.


  • Man, Taumbaugh is the man. He totally pulled things together at the end there.

    Who am I?

    Anywho, I'm just recovering from my 43 hour cancer walk (7 bottles of bawls and 2 cups of coffee . . . look upon me and know that I am your God.) and wanted to give you your own congratulations. Thanks for doing an awesome job; you were an invaluable asset to the project. I'm happy to see you have a blog now, although I have to point out that you have some punctuations outside of your quotation marks. I shall continue to plague your work with my mercilous critiques, mainly because you write well enough for a mistake to stand out from the rest of the text.

    I have to rescue Melchior from the peak of Mt. Woe, now. I'll talk to you later. Keep on stabbin'.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 4:48 PM  

  • I stand to reason that the world is much safer because your thoughts are coming through to me. I eat them and they cause the greatest pleasure of a thousand orgasms. I hope I never lose contact with your delicious brain, untainted by the rusty fishing hooks raining from the heavens. Black birds pick at my eyes with their razor-dull mouth muzzles and I weep unending streams of mayonnaise. Keep up the sweat and very quit POUNDING out your superior knowledge to others.

    By Blogger EJ Massa, at 7:50 PM  

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