Letters from a Comic Genius

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

My Many Fetishes

Here it is, Ladies an' Gents. The one you've all been dreading. An entire blog entry devoted to my sexual perversions. Turned on, are you? Heh heh heh, baby. No? That's okay, too. First I'd like to say that anyone who feels the slightest . . . well I guess you'll all feel a slight urge . . . let's say a medium-sized urge not to read on, leave now and enjoy my delicious writing and fascinating entries later, when it's safe. To those of you who choose to venture forward, I think you'll be pleasantly satisfied, not very offended, and maybe, maybe, you'll think about your own sexual orientation a lil' more after this . . . .
Let me start by defining "fetish." It's a term that's been thrown around a lot over the years, and I think it'll help a bushel if y'all understand it better. A fetish, according to my 147 lb Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, is "any object, animate or inanimate, natural or artificial, regarded with a feeling of awe, as having mysterious powers residing in it, or as being the representative or habitation of a deity. Among primitive peoples it is usual for each tribe to have a fetish in common, but in addition, every individual may have one of his own, to which he/she offers up prayers." also "anything to which one gives excessive devotion or blind adoration." But here's the definition that's important to the entry: "in psychiatry, any [seemingly] nonsexual object, such as a foot or a glove, that excites erotic feelings." That's the key one right there. Although, you can see how they're all sorta related. So, now we know what a fetish in general is, let's find out just how freaky I be! I'll go through my fetishes one by one, so as to delve into uncomfortable detail. Everyone buckled up? Then let's go!

Starting off the list, we have S&M. For those of you who are ignorant to this term, or practice what we sado-masochists call "vanilla sex," (uhhhhhuhuh . . .) S&M is Sado-Masochism, a desire to, and a subsequent feeling of pleasure from, inflicting or receiving pain. It was begun by one of my heroes, the Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), a depraved French nobleman who was and still is the poster boy for fetishes. He wrote several books on the subject of sexual perversion, many of which were so foul that his own son burned them. His books were banned in February of 1784, and he was eventually arrested for abducting and beating a woman. Anywaaays, that's what it comes from. However, while sadism or masochism by themselves may simply be pschological problems, togther they are the dynamic duo of role play and fetishery. One person in the partnership is the sadist, the other, the masochist. I'm probably 20%-80%, respectively. I prefer to be on the receiving end, but the idea of dishing it out appeals to me somewhat. Just so long as the other person really wants it and can take it. I don't like cutting, but nipple twisting, face slapping (winks at Cait), spanking, whipping, and hot wax I'm all for. I also have a fantasy about a hot girl kicking the crap out of me. But it goes beyond the simple pain aspect. With me, it's not just the pain, which I kinda like, but the fact that my partner has the power to inflict the pain, and also the fact that I've done something to deserve it; I've been naughty. This leads me to the next fetish on my list: Dominance and Submission. These pretty much go hand in hand, or are handcuffed, rather, to S&M. In this, one partner has complete power over the other. He/She can tell the other partner what to do and how to do it. This obviously has tremendous sexual potential. Some people take it pretty far, though, and let partners control every aspect of their lives. I'm not a fan of this. With this particular fetish, you can be a top (dominant) or bottom (submissive). Again, I'm probably 20% one, 80% the other. These two fetish groups also are associated with Bondage, which I don't really like. I prefer to be able to use my hands . . . any any other part of my body, during the procedings. Bondage involves being, you guessed it, bound, with the possibility of blindfolded and gagged as well. Now, the two fetishes I've mentioned so far go well with my next one. I also have a Foot Fetish. I believe this one speaks for itself. I have a special place in my heart, or rather my winky and bling blings, for feet. However, not just any feet will do. First off, they must be female. My bisexuality does not extend this far. (Sorry, Dan). Next, the feet in question must be soft, well groomed, not bony, but not plump, and clean. Some foot fetishist prefer them dirty and/or . . . smelly. Not me, amigos. I don't hold with that. However, as I am a fetishist, I try not to judge others. Except urine fetishists, I mean, c'mon, guys! Back to feet. What does having a foot fetish entail, Slibbo? you ask. Well, Slibbo I don't mind as a nickname, as that hobo did have it comin' to him, so I'll tells ya. As a foot fetishist, I would be interested in massaging, touching, or kissing my partner's feet. Toe sucking and general grooming are also included in the package. As well as my enjoying her touching me, anywhere, with her feet. Some people like footjobs, which are like handjobs, but with, well, you know. Not me. Some like what is affectionately called "toe-fucking." Not for me either. While I've had the other two fetishes since I was but a wee perv, I developed this last one after watching Cruel Intentions, and realizing I'd like to suck Sarah Michellle Gellar's toes.
I think that's about it, except for the fact that I have a slight, very slight, smoking fetish. That's just that it turns me on to see a girl smoke. Sometimes. I don't want her to use my mouth as an ashtray, or put her cigarettes out on me. I'm not weird. Also, I am, as previously mentioned, bisexual. (oddly enough, that was also the result of Cruel Intentions. Damn you Ryan Phillipe, with your hot ass!) Again, I'm like 20% for the guys, 80% for the ladies. So I guess that's it. Just a few closing comments. Firstly, ladies, submissive guys make good boyfriends. And also, in the words of Tenacious D: "I don't mind suckin' your toes! Huh! Try to find a boyfriend who sucks toe! Huh!" Well, I hope I haven't completely driven away all my friends . . . .
Good night to all, I'm off to look for fetish porn.
Current Mood: I hope I did the right thing . . .
Current Music: Crash Test Dummies, Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm


  • Well . . . that was . . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    . . .

    I can't say I share the same fantasies as you, there buddy, but kudos again on being so freaking open! Good lord, you'll be posting your nude portfolio next . . . which . . . I had no hand in . . .

    Thanks for the history lesson as well, I always love learning more about my favorite lunatic, the Marquis D' Sade. Man, he and Andy Kaufman would throw such a kick ass party. Then Sade would probably write a really good play about it with a completely unnecesarry orgy scene.
    *ponders* hmmmm . . . blog play opportunity? Screw it, I'm too tired.

    Anyway, definitely a LOT hear that I did not know, and likely that others did not know, but all new knowledge is frightening at first. Some more than others (wink), but it's all good. I can't say that I can look at you any differently now, because for some odd reason you could say "I'm anally stimulated by lobsters" and I wouldn't be phased. Well, I might giggle. Must be that wonderfully absurd bond we share, born of insanity and pop tarts.

    Now, I will close by quoting the Ambiguously Gay Duo:

    "But I'm afraid, Ace!"
    "New knowledge is always frightening, Gary, but sometimes you just have to take it and put it in."
    "But, it's so big!"

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 2:24 PM  

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