Letters from a Comic Genius

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

What the hell should I do? and other stuff

I have, as my friend Dan so annoyingly pointed out, exhausted myself fairly early as far as blog subjects go. I wanted to do a different, discernible, interesting subject each time. Unfortunately, I've told as much shocking stuff about me as there is, as you may have guessed after that last entry. So in this one I'll be covering a bunch of stuff. After this, there will be a continuing theme on my friends. Each entry will cover one friend: their talents, their flaws, and why they mean so much to me. Then, as a last ditch effort to reveal more about myself, I'll post all my crushes. On second thought, I'll do that tomorrow. Best to get it out of the way. But I like the friends idea, it'll be a nice send off. Now, some random stuff.
I like the smell of fresh-cut grass. It's probably one of my favorite smells. That, old books, the back of a girl's neck, lilacs at night time, fresh, warm cherry pie. Freshly slit red oak. I like all those smells.
Nextly, I would like to share a quotation that I believe represents my emotions and state of being right now. It's from the song "The Idiot Kings" by Mike Doughty.

"Everything is goin' up.
Everything is going as planned, yeah.
Everything moves along.
Everything is fine fine fine.

Well I could be condemned to hell for every sin
but littering.
I could slip on th'East River an' crash into Queens
all skittering.
Well I've seen the cops and the robbers
an' I know they all dance the same.
I've seen half a zillion girls
an' haven't spoken to a single on of them.


Everything is going up . . ."

There you have it. There's me right now. So, onward and upward.

Third on the agenda, a plug. I'd like to mention my brother's blog. That's right. It seems Strong Sam has finally hit the information superhighway like a flaming sack of partially eaten flour. The link is http://waynemanor.blogspot.com/. Enjoy if you can.

Uh . . . what else I got?

Oh, I've been thinking that I'd make a pretty decent career criminal. After all the idiots I've seen on the news or read about in newspapers and books who make a decent living as crooks I got to thinking. Someone of my undeniable intelligence, quick learning and strong memory skills, work ethic, deviant tendencies, low value for life, and hatred of society, there'd be no stopping me. I think I'd be a successful drug dealer or what have you. I doubt I'll do that, but I like to keep my options open.

Lastly, I want to touch on something dear to my heart, Holyoke Catholic. It's headed straight for absolute perdition and it seems there's nothing anyone can do about it. God in heaven, I hate Sr. Connie and Bishop Dupre. Those are the only two people I know of who's deaths would cause me to laugh and dance with joy. Today in Sociology, there seemed to be an argument of everyone-but-me-'cause-I-was-too-lazy-to-speak-up against my noble friend, Tony. The debate would have appeared to be about school dress code, but in reality, the two evenly matched sides were arguing two different things without knowing it. Wait, not evenly matched. Tony against everyone isn't even. Tony beats everyone in cool points. Any-da, Mrs. "I hate gays" DeStefano was arguing that teachers are burdened with enforcing dress code and students are lazy and dress codes exist. I say to that respectively, "Boo-friggidy-hoo," "I don't care, we're good kids," and "Really? I didn't know that you screaming moron!" Tony was speaking of what HCHS was like in it's heyday, and the impending troubles which lay ahead. While I didn't agree with everything Tony said, (Christopher Lloyd is too the most awesome mad scientist ever!) I did agree that HCHS was and can still be great, but is in grave trouble. It goes beyond dress code. It has to do with how little the new administration either cares about the teachers and students and future of the school, or has not the cajones to do anything about it. Goddamnit I hate Sr. Connie! With the seniors leaving and a new class of kids who don't understand how great HCHS once was coming in, the burden falls heavily on the shoulders of the Juniors to save the school, and I don't think, cool as some of them are, that they're strong enough. I'm saddened and frightened and I don't know what to do. I feel like crying. The administration thinks the students are punks and keeps making stricter, less sensible, less compassionate rules. The students think the administration are jerks and retaliate the only way they can, by being apathetica and losing school spirit. This leads to bad feelings, which leads to senseless acts of violence and vandalism, which leads to stricter rules and on and on. If both sides keep pulling in opposite directions something will snap. And then it would have been better if ol' grabby-hands Dupre had succeeded in taking away our identity, because it won't matter anymore. However, it one side gives in and the other doesn't, then nothing gets resolved. Both sides need to give in, walk towards each other, work together, not against each other. And the teachers keep leaving or grow tired and just side with the administration because they know the students can't win. Sr. Marlene is probably the only one with the power or the balls to do anything, but she can only do so much. Seems pretty bleak, huh? I hope something good happens fast. I think the Seniors need to get together and do something drastic. Tones, Steve, Andrew, Cait, Dan, Brendan, Surfy, and whoever else is reading, I'll need some help on this one. In the words of Train, "I need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me."

And lastly, I'd like to pay tribute to a great show which concluded it's five year run tonight. Angel. I started watching it about two or three months ago, because it follows my former favorite show, Smallville, and I have developed a love for it. It has humour, lovable and hateable characters, great plots, camaraderie, pathos, action, sorcery, magic and monsters, and obscure pop-culture nods, like the Strong Bad t-shirt. It was cut down in it's prime, and despite thousands of angry letters from fans, the WB decided its time was over. But this last season has been awesome, and tonight's final episode featured inspiring alliances, thought-provoking decisions, one seriously bad-ass fight, and a message about hope and humanity. And there's nothin' better than a desperate, neroic, spit-in-the-face-of-death last stand, and this episode has a doozy. So, while you can't see it on the tele anymore, I urge you to rent or buy it on DVD.

So, to close, random stuff, I hate Sr. Connie, and Angel, cast and crew, great job, guys, we'll miss you, and thanks for the memories.

Current Mood: Swirling emotions. I kaleidoscope of feelings . . . and pie.
Current Music: Mike Doughty, of course.


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