Letters from a Comic Genius

Saturday, May 22, 2004

The Concert

I had originally planned for my blog, well not really planned, but more like it took shape on its own like some sort of horrific space creature here to devour us all . . . where was I? Anyway, the blog seemed like it wanted to be just facts about myself and social commentary, and the occasional other purpose, like a thank you or farewell, and I'd avoid just talking about my day, telling what I consider to be interesting stories that really just bore the hell out of people. But tonight's, or today's rather, an exception.

First off, lemme just say one thing: I really appreciate people who can play a game or sport and not let it get to them. Can play hard and be effects, but not be a loud-mouthed, obnoxious jerk. Andrew LeTellier is one of these people. He can go from concentrating on the game intensely to encouraging a friend, to making a joke in split seconds. Some people cannot. This made Frisbee after school today unenjoyable. (The other people, I mean. If it wasn't for Andrew, the hotness os Sarah Cantler and Steph Lepine, my brother's hilarious foul language, and the fact that Tony rode me around like a pony, the game woulda been horrible.) Mainly because Will Murray, great guy though he is, acted like an ass, and Tim Goddu was a jerk as usual.

Second, I would like to comment on a concert I saw tonight . . . uh . . . yesterday. Damn space time continuum! I went to St. Theresa's Church in South Hadley for a Christian Rock charity event coordinated by two awesome people, Dave and Lise LeTellier. Mrs. LeTellier did the readings. She is the best lector I've ever seen. She doesn't read, she delivers. I can focus and absorb more of the scripture that way. Mr. LeTellier, and his band, the Narrow Gate, which consists of him on lead guitar and vocals, "Spacey" Ed Chagnon handlin' percussion, an' Joe Cirillo workin' magic on the bass guitar. They played for about two hours, with an intermission for refreshments and two impressive piano numbers by Mr. Allen Bonde. He has an awesome quote. "I sure hope God has a sense of humor, otherwise it's gonna be tough." The music was glorious. I've never really heard Christian rock this much before, and never had the great joy of seeing Mr. LeTellier perform, and the concert really blew me away. I got chills at some songs. Mr. L has an incredibly powerful, rich voice, and is a gifted song writer. I enjoyed the evening immensely. Thanks to the both of the LeTelliers. Well, really 4 LeTelliers. The Concert was to raise money for victims of sexual abuse and their families, and featured a touching address by Sandy Tessier, herself the mother of a victim. You and yours are in our prayers, Sandy, and like Mr. L sang, "some peace will come."

One last thing, tonight made me realize more than ever how much I need a girlfriend. Watching Andrew and Cait, Brendan and Meg, Justin and Caitlin, is kinda painful. seeing such awesome girls and what I could have with someone is shocking, yet depressing at the same time. For this reason, Operation: Ask Evelyn Out has been initiated. More to come.

You already got a joke for tonight, so no more. What's that? You'll flash me if I tell another? Well, alright, anything for a show.

Rich's Joke Corner

The same UN plane has to divert from Geneva towards Africa because of inclement weather. It crashes due to fuel loss over the Congo. There are three survivors, the American delegate, the Russian delegate, and the Japanese delegate. They are captured by a cannibalistic tribe and brought to the tribe's village. The leader of the tribe, who strangely enough spoke English, Russian, and enough Japanese to get by, gave them the same speech. "We are the Ungati (pronounced uun-gaht-ee), a tribe of ferocious cannibals. We will skin you alive, cook and devour your flesh, and use your skin to cover our canoes. However, we're not merciless. We will grant you one last wish."
The Russian asked for a gun with one bullet, said "May fate smile kindly on Mother Russia," and shot himself. The American asked for a vine rope and access to a tree, said, "God bless America," and hanged himself. The Japanese asked for a knife, knelt on the ground, said, "I die with honor." And committed sepukku. With his last breath he added, "And fuck your canoes!"

That one was funnier the original way, with the American asking for a fork and poking himself while saying "fuck you canoes," but I changed it for Tony. If you know anything about ritualistic Japanese suicide, the joke is the same.


  • Seppuku, seppuku
    It's fun for me, it's fun for you!
    Just stick the blade in, twist it about . . .
    Reach on right in, your bowels come out.

    Seppuku, seppuku
    Such dishonor, what to do?
    Ritual suicide's good for you!
    It's seppuku, seppuku.

    I feel inspired. To do what, I don't know. Good luck with all of your plans, and remember that a girlfriend is not what brings happiness. A girlfriend is one to share in happiness (and conversely, sorrow) and bla, bla, bla. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish you the best, but want you to know that a single Rich is just as awesome as a not-so-single Rich. It's all you, master fro.

    But good-luck anyway.

    I'm off to accomplish something. I seem to have slept until noon today.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 12:30 PM  

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