Letters from a Comic Genius

Monday, May 31, 2004

The News

I had originally planned to make this blog post a lenghty nostlgia-filled tribute to my four years at Holyoke Catholic. Of my failures and triumphs, of friends made and lessons learned. Unfortunately, I've been exceedingly busy, lazy, and/or starved for creativity for the past week and a half, and thus have waited till the last moment as always, and will end up doing a half-rate job. But, nevertheless, I will post.

First let me say to all my friends, thank you. It has been an honor and a privilege to spend this time with you. I wish we could stay together forever. Soon I will have posts to thank each one of you individually, but for now a group gratitude is all I have time for.

Next, I enjoyed Senior year immensely. I branched out more than ever, and was given a lot of responsibilties. I feel as far as relationships and extracurricular achievements go, I did very well. I feel a strong bond with everyone who was with me in those extracurricular endeavors. However, scholastically I did not do so well.

Which brings me to my next point. This may come as a shock to some of you, an inevitable conclusion to others: I will not be graduating with my class. I wish I had let you all know sooner, but I either didn't want pity or confusion, or I was too scared. I'm sorry. The only thing I feel bad about is not being there with you to share that day. Otherwise, I could care less. In all honesty, I've done my "Woe is me" crying bit already. I'm over and completely cool with it. But,

I would still like to attend. So, if any of you have any extra invitations, I'd be much obliged if you could throw one my way. (Except for Tony, I'd prefer if you handed one to me, otherwise I'd end up with it embedded in my forehead.) I realize this is short notice, but if you could ask Sr. Marlene at some point I would be forever grateful. (Don't say it's for me, though. If you do she may be disinclined to give one to ya. She and I don't really like each other.)

So, that's it for now. It's been a great year, guys, and I'll see you soon.


  • (hug)

    By Blogger Dan-o, at 7:21 PM  

  • I've come up with two possible extras. I'll have to see what's cool with my parents, but it's ultimately my call. I'll keep you posted.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 8:02 PM  

  • Ok, I just finallized it. I have two invitations waiting for ya, buddy.

    We both knew something like this was coming, but if I ran things, I'd let you walk with us, even if it was to receive a blank diploma. You are one of the shining stars of our class, and I'll see that you're there in some capacity. I'm very sorry that you won't be up there with us, but please do me the honor of attending as my guest.

    The night would not be the same without you, as would the year.

    The extra ticket is for you to use as you will. Bring one of your parents if you want . . . or . . . *cough* Sam *cough* :D

    Anyway, come by sometime and pick 'em up.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 8:19 PM  

  • Hello Richard Joseph Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning dallas and found your site. Even though The News is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning dallas related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning dallas it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
    Thanks again
    Sterling Myers

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:48 PM  

  • Hello Richard Joseph Im looking for sites with information about dallas carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though The News is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for dallas carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website dallas carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
    Thanks again
    Sterling Myers

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:21 AM  

  • Hello Richard Joseph Im looking for sites with information about allen carpet cleaning and found your site. Even though The News is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for allen carpet cleaning related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website allen carpet cleaning it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
    Thanks again
    Sterling Myers

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:03 PM  

  • Hello Richard Joseph Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning allen and found your site. Even though The News is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning allen related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning allen it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
    Thanks again
    Sterling Myers

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:04 AM  

  • Hello Richard Joseph Im looking for sites with information about carpet cleaning allen and found your site. Even though The News is different than what i was looking for I found it intresting i see why your blog got my attention when i was looking for carpet cleaning allen related blogs I am glad I stopped by even though its not a perfect match Great Post! I enjoyed it Great Read! I have a Carpet Cleaning Company with a pretty good website carpet cleaning allen it has some good information on on carpet stains and pet odor if you ever need some advice on those things.
    Thanks again
    Sterling Myers

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:16 AM  

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