Letters from a Comic Genius

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Moron Humor . . . I mean more on humor.

I said last night, or thi 'smorning, rather, that I would speak more about humour. I was not mistaken in this declaration, but will bring news of my funny to the entire nation! Jibbity jibbity, an' rat a tat tat. After reading Tony's comment, I realized there's a lot more to my humour, and to humour in gereral what needs addressin'. So here are some additional thoughts on the matter, as well as my plans for the day, and some other bits of treacle and soap bubbles.

Sometimes jokes occur to me that seem hilarious, and after I give them a moment's thought, I realize that they would be funny to no one else but me. I think of crazy stunts or pranks, or developing weird voices, and then it hits me that nobody would find it funny, but would, in many cases, be shocked, frightened, or offended. It takes a while for the impulses to go through with said jokes dies down, but eventually it does, and the world is less chaotic for it.

Another thing Tony said was that what he does never strikes him as being humour. Maybe he has a point, maybe true humour is not governed by desire to be funny, or make people laugh, maybe it comes from a quietude within ourselves . . . . . . . . . no, that's stupid. Maybe Tony is just special.

Here's my answer to another random question. The "question": I have broken up with my band and am about to release my first solo albumn. These are my liner notes: I don't know what liner notes are, so I'm gonna assume it has to do with the "Thank You's." Thanks to mom, dad, the divorce lawyers, daddy's friend Miguel, and my 7 grandparents and all their dwarf butlers. Thanks to Kevin Arbarry and all the hardworking folks at Bastard Tooth Records. Thank you to Caitlin for all the years of spiritual guidance and nipple-tweaking **THIS IS CAITLIN: WHAT?! there was none of that...** Thanks to Steve Buscemi, Marty Kolpacker, Shandra Jenkins and the Willibusters. Thanks to God for all that stuff, and St. Peter for kicking my ass and gettin' me in gear. **Caitlin again (really it is): And thanks to sandwiches**

I'll have one more important post para esta noche, so stayed tuned, kiddies.

Current Mood: Disjointed.
Current Music: Toad the Wet Sprocket


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