Letters from a Comic Genius

Monday, July 04, 2005

Tag, Yo.

So I got slapped in the face with this waste of pixels a coupla days ago and figger I outghta complete it, for ha-ha's.

Post five things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play.
What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level?
Post it to your journal, and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1) Reading. Pretty much anything. Give me a book and I'll settle right down. My favorite, sure-fire calmers are anything by Wodehouse, anything Harry Potter related, anything involving history, or a decent comic book.

2) Lifting weights. Especially by myself, so's I can stare at my fiiiiine sexy body without others thinking me narcissistic.

3) Surfing the blog circuit. This does actually make me feel calmer. Until I read anything. At that point I go nuts.

4) Masturbating. Don't look so shocked. You knew it was coming. (I might have intended that pun.)

5) Writing and publishing online. Nothing fills me with a greater sense of peace than finishing a blog entry and spewin' it on the web for all to see.

Too much like #3? Alright.

5) Take Two: Cleaning. Surprising, as my house is usually so cluttered and ransacked, I know. But maybe that's why I'm always so stressed: I don't clean enough.

Also, hiking and visiting my great aunt. I had to include those two.

Tag List:

1) Andrew
2) EJ
3) Dave
4) Jason Frank or Mike Pytka, whoever decides to read this week
5) Eddy

One of you should tag Sam. I would, but he never reads this thing.

In other news:

Why no goddamn comments, ya buncha luge monkies?

You whine and whine about me not posting and then ignore me when I finally do.
The only person I think who actually read the last two entries was Caitlin, and she didn't comment. She just warned me about making damaging comparisons.

So anyway, here's the plan:

I will intersperse Reverse Quizzes with installments of my next "fictional" update detailing the continuing adventures of the wacky NP Inc staff.


In a related story, I got a live journal.


I originally got it to view the hidden entries of my assorted LJ comrades, but then remembered upon completion and activation of my journal that I no longer cared.

So I'm stuck with another journal which I will fail to update on time.

I'm thinking of making one journal (the blog, probably) pure fiction, and the live journal factual updates and entertainment reviews. Though, it would probably be more logical to do it t'other way.

Oh well.

If any a youse guys gots any ideas as ta what I should do with that confounded LJ, lemme know.

Tony started an NP Inc website, for those of you still uninformed. Be sure to check that when it's ready. I imagine it'll be fairly awesome. (It will have to be; I'm a creative consultant and co-head writer.)

I fink that's allz I got for now.

Up next: The Interim Adventure, Steve's Reverse Write Up, and possibly an actual update into my life.

Current Mood: Belligerent and Bemused
Current Music: Frank Sinatra, Send in the Clowns


  • I say we actually start that collective blog mr richard. Because one of us (Rich, Tony, Whoever) is bound to post on it making it look like we are frequent posters when it really is a collective effort of 4 or more lazy people. I think we should seriously consider planning something for it.

    By Blogger EJ Massa, at 10:52 AM  

  • To Steve:

    The masturbation thing. Hmm . . .
    Well, I didn't take the question completely literally. I just thought it was asking, "What's something that relieves stress, calms you down, makes you feel good.

    Also, maybe I was talking about the after effects. Ever think of that?

    For instance, I could have said "Sugar, and lots of it." And many people would have thought, "Sugar? That doesn't calm you down. It makes you hyper."
    You would have known, though, that a sugar high is only brief and soon you have a crashing sugar low, which makes you rather lethargic.
    Anyway, I dunno about you, but 5 minutes or so after i masturbate I get sleepy.
    So there.
    Also, I realize you were speaking mostly in jest.

    One last thing: You don't complain about rarely getting comments because you rarely get comments.
    You see what I mean?
    On the last post before I updated, I had 35.
    Then I update and get zero for a few days.
    You don't expect any, so you're not as let down.
    Plus, you're more secretive with your online writings.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 3:23 PM  

  • To EJ:

    Hear hear!

    Let's talk at Tony's parties this week!

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 3:23 PM  

  • There's a party this week? Details. Also what the hell is a "tag"?


    By Blogger EJ Massa, at 9:18 PM  

  • My brother is such a computer-Nazi, so I never get online... even if I am at my father's.

    Surprisingly, working at Wal-Mart tires me to the point of not caring about my blog anymore. I just have nothing to blog about.

    Working at Wal-Mart this summer is also going to buff me up, I'm pretty excited about losing my WPI-induced weight.

    By Blogger Sled, at 10:01 PM  

  • Hey, I didn't organize a party yet! Don't turn into your brother.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 11:58 PM  

  • Hey I do read this so shove it u your nose sandwhich you roast givings day turkey!

    This is the batman over and out

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:40 AM  

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