Letters from a Comic Genius

Friday, June 03, 2005

Last Call

Public Service Announcement:

The opportunity to respond to the Reverse Quiz is fast approaching oblivion. If there are any timid lurkers still skulking about, or any loyal commentators who have not yet had their say, now is the time to act! Just slap yer name down upon my comment section an' I'll do yer up proper.
There are several people who I know will never respond to this urgent message, on account of they . . . uh . . . what's that word? . . . hate me. However, I'm not bigoted. I'll compose a few heartfelt lines for them as well, without them even asking me to.
So, if you want to know what I think of you, comment.

And, to all those who have already commented and are waiting in white-knuckled, watery-eyed anticipation, fear not. You will soon be in possession of the facts. Or, I guess, opinions in this case. No more chafing at the bit for you. No more constantly wiping up the mess made by your slavering jaws.

The deadline is tomorrow at midnight. I promise you (and we all know how reliable I am) that the personal write-ups will be on your PC's by Monday morning, if not Sunday night, so that you may face the week with (in most cases) joyful, teary eyes and swelling bosoms.

Tee Hee . . . "bosoms" . . .

Tee hee . . . "swelling" . . .

Tee hee . . . "and" . . .

That will be all. Good day, fair citizens of Blogcity.

End Public Service Transmission.


  • I would have kept reading your blog, even if you never commented on mine.

    By Blogger Sled, at 1:59 PM  

  • Sorry, wrong tense of the verb....

    By Blogger Sled, at 5:03 PM  

  • (grammar)

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 9:12 PM  

  • i dont remember if i commented or not



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:14 PM  

  • No, Steve.

    I meant that I would do write-ups of people who hate me to underhandedly insult them. They would not be wholly positive compositions, but would in fact be slander . . . or, libel, I suppose.

    Some of the people I would choose for this would be *coughs* Pawel and Mike Pytka *coughs.

    You can readily imagine the thoughts I'd have for them.

    Maybe it's time to move on from that whole unpleasant scene, but I'd like to use my commonly surgeon-like precision to snipe a few last shots in at any bothersome parties.

    See you soon.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 4:06 PM  

  • Oh ho ho!

    I feel the nauseating, and yet, exhilarating, rush of emotion brought on by no-holds-barred blog show-downs!

    Thank, you Pawel. My comment page had been boring and verbal violence-free there for a few posts and I was becoming restless.

    Let me take this time to defend my case.

    For starters, I find it singularly humourous that the only examples of my being inflammatory occur after I was accused of being inflamatory.
    You say I had made inflammatory remarks, when in fact I never had, then, in defense, I do finally make "inflammatory" remarks. And these you use to justify your previous comment.
    Ex Facto! Ex Facto!
    It's a self-fulfilling prophesy, I tells ya!

    Secondly, I stand by my comment on your word choice. See, I never said that inflammatory did not mean what you purported it to mean; I only said that the word implies, or connotes, a level of outrage far beyond two people.

    When Rush Limbaugh referred to Chelsea Clinton as "the White House dog," that was inflamatory. It had people across the country up in arms.

    When I say you have a large nose, you were the only one to raise a fuss. "Inflammatory" seems a shade harsh. (Side note: I should not go about a'callin' the kettle black on this one, as my beak is fairly substantial as well.)

    I won't say that your word doesn't mean inciting anger and outrage, because you clearly copied that definition out of a dictionary. It seems Mr. Ranstrom taught you something after all. I never said that the meaning of the word was wrong, only that it implies something different.

    Now, in response to my insults:

    Hmm . . . the drunk ones. Well, I was under the impression that, (and this is strictly what I've heard from others) that you were a bit of a teetotaler in high school.
    When college life set in, you forgot all your previous scruples and indulged in many illegal substances.
    Thus, any chance I have to give you a shot to the ribs about not only your about-face but also your (proudly) reckless lifestyle, I take.
    They had no relevance at the time, I'll admit.

    The "stupid, stupid bastard" one I thought was hilarious. See, the line before that was something to the effect of "I never insult you in this blog." Then I followed it up with "stupid, stupid bastard." It was just a bland, yet angry, and completely unnecessary insult. I did that one as a joke. I woulda said the same thing to Tony or Steve or Eddy, if the circumstances had provided. That one had nothing to do with any animus I had for you. It was a joke. I figured you woulda picked up on that.
    "Pseudo-Intellectual" is a word I can't clearly define, but I invented with you in mind. I stand by it.

    Hmm . . . the punching one. Yeah, you caught me on that. It does seem harsh. It always did. I came within an inch of not using it, because I really didn't feel that violent at all.

    I sincerely apologize for that one.

    See, I just wanted to work in "gaping black maw," and couldn't figure out how to do it.

    I see nothing wrong with the next three insults.

    Oh, and by the by, you forgot a few.

    I called you a prick. I said you were bigoted. And I may have, while hinting at your poor reading skills, called you a "friggin' jerk."

    So there. I've said my piece on my insults. They were mostly for comedic and therapeutic purposes, and meant little. "Sound and fury signifying nothing."
    It's generally agreed upon that so far, my bark is worse than my bite.

    And re. your offer.

    Curse you!
    Why'd you have to be the civil one!? No I look like a bigger jerk.


    Unless "cup of coffee" is the slang you one-time baristas use for "let's take this outside." It isn't? Okay then.

    Curse you!

    But sure. Let's. It'd be fun to catch up and reminisce on the good ol' days, in between trading barbs.
    And perhaps if i drag my animosity into the light of your easy nature and usually likeable cool, it'll fade away and all will be joy and jollity once again.

    Just, let me do my write-ups first. I don't want to meet with you and then post your write-up. There'd be far too much "I thought we came to an understanding"ing.


    P.S. Aside from the invite, I wish you hadn't posted this comment. I don't need reminders of how much of a jerk I am. I live with that fact everyday.

    P.P.S. If indeed you did get the "stupid bastard" joke and used it as one of my needlessly harsh insults anyway, then shame on you. Don't twist and spin and misrepresent to strengthen your point. You're waaaaaay smarter than that. And you have a stronger case already. I'm a jerk, people know it. Most of my readers probably like you more than me.

    P.P.P.S. Touche'. That was a pretty insightfully funny comment.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 10:48 AM  

  • too bad rich isn't the only high school undergraduate (is that right, or was it failure?) to bash people behind a computer. i'm gonna make my own blog, call it "people i hate!" and bashh all yall.

    and your a fart with nothing left but a blog and an afro.

    pawel should polish my pole

    steve is my hero..not. you do it in the ass

    eddy is austrian!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:03 PM  

  • Alas, wrightwayscrewy, I have not even an afro to my name any longer.

    Wait, you called Eddy an Austrian?

    Brendan, is that you, old chum?

    I wouldn't consider myself a high school failure. Sure, I didn't graduate, but I have a diploma, nonetheless. And, all things consider, I was enough of a success at ol' Holyoke Catholic to satisfy me.

    I don't hate you, wrightwayscrewy.

    I pity you, for I know you to be a lonely, bitter soul, whom I could snap in half like a dry twig.

    It makes me sad that you see only the negative aspects of my blog.

    My online journal, moreso than any other, has long been known for its compliments and kind words.

    Do you recall my CD reviews, or my Friends section?

    For shame, wrightwayscrewy.

    Oh well. I can't please everyone. Especially not belligerent cowardly punks with poor grammar and no sense of style.

    I hope one day we meet, Wrightway, so i may talk to you civily and try to ease your obvious pain.

    Until that day, old friend, keep readin'.

    And to Pawel:

    You'll understand once I post your write-up. That's all I can say regarding that matter.

    Oh, and you're displaying a startlingly lack of humor about all this, amigo. You realize that much of my insults are jokes, right?

    Please don't think I'm serious when I call you a raging drunk.

    I'm better than that.

    Oh well.

    So, to everyone out there in Blogland tonight:

    Loosen up and enjoy this balmy summer eve. I know I will.

    P.S. Mentla Note: I need to get crackin' on those personal write-ups. The only one I've come close to finishing is for a person currently separated from me by 3,000 miles of water and at least one language.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 9:30 PM  

  • Rather, I am Austria-Hungarian.

    By Blogger Sled, at 7:13 PM  

  • See, that's true, but there's something else here.

    Whenever Brendan talks about you he calls you Austrian, because you and I went to Australia together. He would kid me by asking how Austria was, purposely using the wrong country.

    Then again, you did pose as Hitler, so that might be a factor in Wrightway's delirium, as well.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 8:00 PM  

  • Sheesh, why do I check these comments anymore . . .

    Rich - You're either a jerk or an idiot. From my perspective, a general "agree to disagree" status had been reached, but you seem to be out to insight as much conflict as possible. Not good, thought-provoking, conflict either. Just senseless mudslinging. Like Maddox, but without a purpose.

    Cait - Update your browser and throw a comment my way sometime. You can always email them, too.

    Eddy - I'll update soon. Something told me you'd be happy to know that.

    Steve - I'm with you on . . . most everything you said.

    Pawel - Being pretty damn civil for a man that never said anything against Rich without it being provoked by something else. Rich, you seem to like to make enemies with people that think they like you. Possibly consider that?

    wrightwayscrewy - Hahaha, I'm starting to like you. A bit hurt that you didn't talk about how gay I was, but I suppose it's what I get for not commenting.

    So, Rich. As a friend, I think you're being a jerk. Comedy is only comedy if someone else is laughing, unless you plan to pull an Andy Kaufman.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 9:23 PM  

  • Careful, Tony.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 3:46 PM  

  • "The writer's job is not to judge, but to seek to understand." -Ernest Hemingway.

    "Mark Twain was a hack." -Me.

    I'm trying to understand, and I'm trying to be non-confrontational about it, but you seem to be out to start conflict in any environment people attempt to be civil.

    I will thank you not to warn me and not to chide me. You have a double-standard for the value of a person's opinions. If your opinions and actions piss off everyone around you, any criticism of them is presumptious folly, and you are a champion of artistic integrity. If the opinions of another person point out a flaw in your activity, that person is immediately discredited as a blind and disloyal individual.

    "Sides" are irrelevant to me. Honesty is my most treasured virtue. I couldn't consider myself a friend if I didn't call you a jerk. You are deliberately trying to upset the people around you and disregarding the feelings of others. When found in the wrong, you admit to it and claim "no need to be reminded of it" as if it were some kind of validation, when it is not.

    I'm not getting involved any further. I'm just sharing my views on your writing, as a friend and a reader. Not that you care, but you will lose me as a reader if you continue this confrontation and poorly-tacted writing.

    -The soon to be crudely rebuked.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 7:59 PM  

  • Rich, your brother has a tendency to interpret other people's statements for them? That's impossible . . .

    Anywho, a quick nod to Jason for being the biggest man I've seen of late. Interpret that as you will. It looks like drama is relatively averted and feelings are much more placid, so I once again await an update.

    I apologize firstly for fighting other people's fights, and secondly for being initially confrontational. I somehow developed a tendency to jump full-force at a person (I think because of the Ryan thing) rather than easing into a discussion. It's something I have to change. I reacted too strongly.

    I'm hoping that this settles things, and that there will be less blind negativity flying around this place. That guy thinks he's a superhero just because he can fly, but he's a jerk. "Oh, look at me, I'm Blind Negativity. I can use my magnetic powers to prove that disabled people can be heroes too." What a loser. I hope he gets shot with a positively-charged blast of energy. From a penguin.

    Where am I?

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 11:38 AM  

  • You're worse than I am... how about an update?

    Sorry for somewhat ditching you last weekend. I got distracted and shit. We can try something again.

    By Blogger Sled, at 3:55 AM  

  • blogspt? more like dumb spot

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:02 AM  

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