Letters from a Comic Genius

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Springtime for Richard

Spring has arrived at long last!

I had qualms about beginning this post with that statement. Many of my fellow bloggers have already addressed the matter and I knew that by putting it in I risked seeming unoriginal and tiresome.

I quickly reassured myself, though, with the thought that this season is so beautiful and welcomed that no number of blog entries devoted to it could ever become tiresome.

And so here we are. It’s roughly 58 degrees Fahrenheit in fair South Hadley as I sit in front of my now cleansed computer and type this. It’s 58 degrees and 7:15 at night.

And what a night it is! Cool and crisp, but with traces of Spring’s comforting warmth. No austere chill of bitter Winter is left in the air. And the smell!

Odd, isn’t it, that the smells of the seasons are universally appreciated, and yet they are in reality so elusive and indescribable.

The smell in the air now is soft and sweet and fresh. It is recognizable. Bold, new, and yet familiar. It smells like nothing and like everything all at once. It smells of moisture returned to the air; of earth thawed and warming; of trees and bark; of leaves yet to grow and flowers yet to bloom. It is a smell of promise. Of anticipation. It is the fragrance of Spring and it is on the air tonight.

Wild and strong and free it makes me feel. Clear and true and safe.

The smell and the cool touch of the air make me want to sing and laugh and kiss every one I see.

Everything seems so much more . . . tangible tonight. I feel as though I can hear the trees, can touch and hold the night breezes.

I feel a deep, rushing, swelling love for everyone.

Spring is here.

Colour is not, though.

I know in time the colours of the leaves and the grass and the flowers and the sky will become so vibrant that one more drinks them in than see them. We will absorb the colors through our very pores and let them shine out through our eyes.

But, for now, grey still holds sway. Grey of the roads and the bark of the trees. Yellow of the grass. Brown of the exposed earth.

Four and a half months ago I sat at this very same computer professing dislike for those very same colours. Not so anymore.

Back then, on November 15th, I saw the colours with the knowledge that they were here to stay. They heralded the cold onset of Winter. Of snow and ice and chill winds. Short, bitter days and long dark nights.

Now the colours, drab though they may yet be, hold only signs of hope.
They, like the smell, are of promise.

The promise of Spring.

Goddamn it’s good to be back blogging!

After a long hiatus I return, with a squeaky clean PC and a mind full of thoughts and wishes and dreams yet to share.

I marked my return with the epic Episode IV: The Fate of the World, which received less attention than I was hoping for, but more, I suppose, than my awkward prose deserved. I am working on Episodes IV.V and V now. These will explain how I came to loose my golden curls, and, more importantly why, and how the heroes who fought to gain Ninja Pirate Inc and stop the nefarious Umbrella Corporation will react to some physical changes and an alien invasion. Episode VI will cover my trip to Florida to see Caitlin and tell how my computer was finally purged of the virus which had taken hold of it. Then a break from poorly written fiction will be in order for me, and I will blog the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth . . . and of course, my opinions.

Also soon to come are posts My Perfect Man and My Perfect House. Plus, entertainment posts covering the HCHS talent show (tomorrow) the play (next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday), the CD’s of two of my closest pals, films I have seen, music I have heard, books I have read, and my thoughts on comic book movies.

And I owe you an update regarding my present scholastic situation.

But for now, only this will I publish.

Current Mood: Invigorated, well-rested, calm.
Current Music: matchbox 20, their first and best album Yourself or Someone Like You


  • first of all, you definately stole my european use of the letter "u."

    second, you have a knack for writing, but why the seriousness, amigo? lets get some laugh-tracks a-flowin'!

    where's my review, not that its old news or anything....?

    first of all, you're going to jinx the warm weather.

    first off, I also like that album.
    "long day" is my favorite song on it.

    thirdly, and second in line, I'm confusing myself.

    I love you and your many words... that... form... sentences....



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:08 PM  

  • Hmm . . . your quality of writing is better, but my blog, considering surveys, interactive portions, fiction, and colors, is a bit superior.

    The last post I did was laughs and crazy action. I try to break from my chosen style and what to I get?


    Who do I look like, Stephen King?

    Your review's comin'. Hold yer horses.

    If the weather gets jinxed, it won't be by me (the post has been done twice already by EJ and Tony). Plus, I'm not capable of an interstae jinx. The weather in Mass may change for the worse, but you're safe in Maine, ya pansy.

    Thanks for reading.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 10:05 PM  

  • The closing of that first comment made it look like you did it...

    Although I am not yet feeling the uplifting aura of spring, this post was certaintly refreshing.

    You are one mad sick ill dude.

    By Blogger Sled, at 10:10 PM  

  • Aggh, allergies! I know for a fact that your post got more attention, but most people don't bother to comment. Just a bunch of savages in this town, I swear.

    Guess what I'll be doing this Saturday! Sketch comedy! Without you! It won't be the same buddy, but I'll try to work without your brilliant mind.

    And stop being modest. Your riviting tale was VERY well written.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 10:25 PM  

  • You have shattered my illusions. I used to think, in the carefree, and, I'll be the first to say it, naive days of my youth, that there was no sketch comedy without me.

    I feel ashamed and neglected.

    I am a failure as a father and a son.

    Thank you for your praise. If only I deserved it . . .

    Modest Mouse, that's me alright.

    Thanks for reading, Tones. Good luck (not that one as hilariously brilliant and brilliantly hilarious needs luck) with the comedy.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 12:21 AM  

  • Sadly, there's actually been a change of plans, so I will be remaining in my retirement for a while longer. I likes to call it the "Curse of Ricardo," but I'm a dramatic kind of guy. I think I might write a couple skits for the sheer hell of it, though. I'll post them if I do.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 1:10 PM  

  • You wanna go, fudgepacker?!

    By Blogger Sled, at 8:31 PM  

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