Letters from a Comic Genius

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Final Word

All right, all right, all right.

I think this has gone on for long enough.

Let me just say my final piece (this is my blog, after all) and then we'll be on our way.

1) I am not sorry for anything I said in the past post.
2) I do not appreciate much of the feedback I was given.
(I just realized now that I'm probably the only one in our blogging circle who repeatedly gets slapped around and degraded in my comment section. I believe I've commented harshly once on Tony's blog and never on anyone else's. Yet, whenever I express and opinion people line up, batons in hand, to really let me have it. I dunno. Maybe I'm asking for it. Maybe it has something to do with my personality. But still, am I the only one slightly shocked and chagrined at the negative feedback I've been getting lately?)
3) While I will not leave my beloved Letters, I will ask that anyone who has a derogatory or needlessly and thoughtlessly contradictory view please refrain from commenting. As I asked of Pawel, if all of you are so angered and offended by what I write, why are you reading it at all? Just go somewhere else and leave me alone.

And, 4) To everyone reads my blog:

Fuck you.


That feels better.

Coming up next, an Anniversary Post and possibly another epic.


  • http://www.drudgereport.com/flash1.htm

    By Blogger Sled, at 11:44 PM  

  • "As for comments, I believe this should be open to everyone as well.

    "I have suffered the anguish of annoying anonymous commentators.
    Sometimes they just want to shake things up, like Sombraro, and eventually confess. But the really bothersome ones are the one-time posters who say something contradictory and never tell me who they are.
    The only good part of anonymous commentators is that, as they are too nerveless to put a name behind their words, people put much less stock in their opinions.
    (I should really convert to Haloscan, following the wise example of my friend Tony.)

    "Anonymous commentators are repugnant cowards, in my opinion. They abuse the openness of blogs just as much as those who keep readers and commentators out. They are low, timid, and rude. They avoid confrontation while angering and upsetting those around them. They make a blogger feel as angry and frustrated as a pleasant commentator makes him feel jolly and refreshed.

    "But that won’t stop me from leaving my blog open.

    "If being annoyed every so often is the price I pay to grant freedom to all surfers of the web, then so be it.

    "And, though I may find some comments offensive, unnecessary, or stupid, there is one step I will never take against bothersome commentators.

    "Erasing what they have written.

    "I believe that what has been posted online in the form of journal entries or comments should remain online as is. There is but one person with the right to edit what has been posted, and that person is the author.
    Even then I’m not all in favor of going back and changing one’s own work. I try to leave my posts as I have written them, for the most part, no matter the content. This means if I ever read past issues I have to relive how I was head-over-heels for one girl after another. How I made ridiculous claims and plans which fell through. How I lied to myself and others.
    But, this will unquestionably keep me from repeating such mistakes with as much frequency and overall obliviousness.

    "And you take the bad with plenty of good."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:20 PM  

  • You coulda just said, "You're a flaming hypocrite," and conserved pixels, ATP, and time.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 11:33 PM  

  • Was that you, Steve?

    And how is the reaction ironic?

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 9:00 AM  

  • Why quote the statement that anonymous commentors are cowards? Rightwayscrewy didn't exactly disprove that in any way. Maybe he/she meant to. Or maybe he/she was just quoting random segments that seemed to bear the slightest sense of irony.

    I'm not overly impressed. We're all aware of what's written in the posts. If you're going to re-list them in a different order without any unique input, you really did waste a bunch of time. With a name that doesn't belong to you, no less.

    So, righwayscrewy is a fucktard. Unless it's Steve, being sneaky, in which case "Damn you Sombraro!" I will not bow to your torteeyah might.

    Welcome back, Rich. I think and end to this idiocy is more than welcome.

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 7:19 PM  

  • now that's interesting. dude. carry on ur great word. it's ur blog. no1 else have the right to shit about u. if it offends any1, then.. stop reading.

    By Blogger yuE, at 8:48 AM  

  • You all suck.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:43 AM  

  • Blow a goat

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:09 PM  

  • I hold the belief that Robbie is the coolest guy in Singapore proper.

    Check out his dazzling site.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 1:40 PM  

  • Oh, and I dunno about Anonymous commenters. They're not all that bad. This last one was funny as hell.

    Keep it comin', amigo . . . or amiga.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 1:41 PM  

  • If you were to ban comments from time to time, I don't think I would mind at all. Checking back on your site, seeing that there are 5 new comments, and then seeing that like half of them are absolutely worthless just pisses me off.

    By Blogger Sled, at 4:08 PM  

  • Doesn't take much, does it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:49 PM  

  • Tee hee, the anonymous commenter is amusing. While amusing in the way that Michelle's blog is tragically amusing, it is amusing nevertheless. Heh, I think I'll say "amusing" again. Amusing.

    The most AMUSING thing about the anonymous breed is that they care so damn much, despite their cowardly nature. Look at the posting times of this genius. 11:43, 12:09, 5:49. The first two were rapid fire, and the last was right after Eddy. Such devotion from someone that hates us so. Stunningly brilliant; I love it.

    With lines like "blow a goat," this person is going far.

    Do I know Robbie? Is he one of the mysteriously AMUSING friends of Rich that I don't know?

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 7:53 PM  

  • Behold! A Genius who can tell time.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:08 AM  

  • amusing? lol. maybe i'll go goats too. -random blogger-

    By Blogger yuE, at 10:08 AM  

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