Letters from a Comic Genius

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Part 6

An Unwelcome Explanation
A Narrow Escape
Tony's Solution

Thaddeus Trans awoke and glanced around him. The hazy figures slowly came into focus, and he became aware of the blade at his throat. He looked from Richard, kneeling beside him with the knife at his neck, to Tony, standing slightly apart and peering grimly at the spectacle.
“Well,” Trans smiled winningly, “We finally meet.”

Trans went on: “I’m afraid you find me at a disadvantage. I am unable to recall the events leading up to this unique situation. Would you mind telling me the date and time?”
Tony checked his watch.
“It’s November the 25th, close to midnight.”
“Oh my. The last clear memory I have is falling asleep in late October. I don’t suppose any among those present could enlighten me as to the true nature of this most peculiar phenomenon.”
“These delinquents barged into the complex,” Hazzard began, “causing irreparable and costly damage and---” he would have gone on but was silenced. His words trailed off in a grunt of pain as Caitlin struck him in the jaw with the butt of her rifle. Hazzard’s eyes rolled up and he collapsed in a limp bundle at her feet.
“Sorry. That guy was beginning to bother me.”
Richard turned his attention away from Caitlin’s shocking display of violence back to the amnesiac doctor whom he was currently threatening with a knife.
“Allow me to elucidate, Doctor. But first, why not take a seat.” Richard said helping Trans back into his chair.
Caitlin had left Hazaard unconscious in the doorway and now aimed her weapon at the seated CEO. Richard was thus able to remove the blade from Trans’ throat. He handed it back to Tony and faced Trans.
“For some time now, Doctor- a little over a month, if your memory is correct- you have been under an advanced form of mind control. Using this,” Richard tossed him the brainwashing device, “your lieutenant Silas Blake has had you as his pawn through a sort of hypnosis. In that time he has changed many of the policies of Umbrella, declared a personal vendetta against my friends and me, and placed himself as the new leader of Ninja Pirate Incorporated, disposing the Captain. He had planned to bring the world to its knees with an uncontrollable epidemic and then hold sway with a plethora of drugs, beginning in Western Massachusetts and from there taking out every metropolis on the eastern seaboard.”
He let this sink in.
“Well I suppose I should have seen this coming, considering . . . but never mind that for now. Carry on, son.”
Richard nodded and continued.
“My friends and I uncovered his plot and while stopping his goal were made privy to his control of you. Realizing that Silas was too dangerous to continue leading Umbrella, we stormed your stronghold and freed you from his control.
Trans was silent for a time.
“You and your friends have taken some fantastic risks going up against Silas and coming here. I must thank you for freeing me. Now, is there anything else I need be told?”
“Yes. To escape death, Silas signed over control of NP Inc. to us, breaking its subsidiary ties to the Umbrella Corporation. We trust you’ll honor this agreement.”
Trans chuckled. “I’m afraid not, dear boy. Ninja Pirate Incorporated is the communications wing of the Umbrella Corporation. It handles our television and radio stations, websites, movie studios, and publishing department, into which fall all our books, magazines, and newspapers. It is far to crucial to our cause to hand over based on the desperate acts of a dying man.”
“Keep in mind, Doctor, you are at gunpoint.”
“Am I now?” said Trans with a smirk.
Richard whirled around and saw Hazzard send his razor diamonds whizzing at the gathered heroes. One caught Caitlin in the hand, causing her to drop her rifle. The other projectiles hit Tony, Steve, and Amy, all in the stomach. One after another they fell, clutching bleeding wounds.
“You bastard!”
Richard threw himself at Trans, but the doctor moved in a blur, impossibly fast, and struck him with a sharp backhanded blow that sent him sprawling.
Richard dragged his knuckles across his lips, wiping away a trail of blood and fixed Trans with a fiery glare.
“You see, boy, why it pays to have a lawyer? You should never leave home without one.”
“They didn’t!”
Trans glanced up just in time to see Mrs. Szewczyk and her wonderdog, Martha come charging into the room. Martha threw herself upon Hazzard, tearing his sleek black suit to shreds with her teeth and claws. Mrs. Szewczyk, meanwhile, flew through the air at Trans, laying him out with a powerful kick.
She helped Caitlin up and, pulling a first aid kit out of a bag she had slung over her shoulder, bandaged her daughter’s hand with the unflinching care of a concerned mother.
Richard stood, picked up the rifle Caitlin had dropped, and pointed it at Trans.
“My friends are dead because of you,” he growled.
“Are you sure about that, boy?” Trans asked.
Richard looked over his shoulder.
His four friends were getting slowly to their feet; the seemingly fatal wounds they had received had healed.
Richard turned back to Trans.
“What the hell is going on? What did you do to us?”
The doctor merely smiled.
Caitlin’s mother, having tended to her daughter’s wound, strode over to where Trans was lying on the ground.
“My name is attorney Robin Szewczyk. I’m here acting as legal council to these kids. I’d like to discuss the matter of their newly acquired property.”
Trans smiled smugly at her, “You’ll have to take that up with my lawyer.”
“Oh, I plan to.”
And with that, Mrs. Sez walked over to the corner of the room where Hazzard was lying, paralyzed with fear, staring at the snarling dog before him.
“Good girl, Martha,” Mrs. Sez cooed and patted the canine’s head. “Now, Mr. Hazzard, is it? I’m Robin Szewczyk, attorney at law, and there are some legal matters we need to discuss. C’mon Caitlin, I’ll need you to cover me while I deal with this sleaze.”
She turned to Hazzard, “You give lawyers a bad name.”
Then mother, daughter, dog, and villain all walked back into the conference room and Mrs. Sez began to lay out her case.

Steve and Amy glanced around.
“Well,” said Amy, “looks like you guys have got everything under control here. I’ll be heading back to me dorm. Lordy, I need a drink. Steve, you’re free to join me if you give me a ride.”
Steve winked at Tony and Richard.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Arm in arm he and Amy strolled out of the control room.
Richard and Tony were left alone in the dark with Dr. Thaddeus Trans, the madman who had been after them for months.
Trans rose from the floor and took his seat.
Full minutes stretched out as the enemies just stared at each other.
Finally, Tony broke the silence.
“Well, I thought they’d never leave. Now that it’s just you and us, we’ve got some pressing questions which we believe you can answer.”
“Well then, ask away, my lad, ask away. But let me warn you: The answers that you seek may very well be more than you bargained for.” He leaned back and smiled benevolently. “But ask away.”
Richard and Tony looked at each other, took a single deep breath, and began.
“I fought Silas today,” Tony said, “He was able to counter my every move. Other opponents have been challenges, but this time he had the same attacks, the same fighting style. It’s impossible.”
“He was also able to beat Steve at catch. He’s the first one to do that.” Rich went on where Tony left off. “He outran Andrew and out-seduced Amy. He’s as strong as I am, and as hilariously deviant.”
“He uses the same slang as we do. He has the same beliefs as we do. He knew everything about us.” Tony finished.
“We want to know how that’s possible. How much surveillance do you have us under?” Richard asked.
The unnatural smile on Trans’ smooth face widened.
“You two picked a good question to start with. I assure you that surveillance was not the way we managed to make Silas so much like you. You see, Silas is more than like you. He is you.”
The two friends were speechless.
"I must admit the culmination of this plan came about after months of deception. Do you know the real purpose behind the attack and take over of your friend Andrew’s school? It was not, as it seemed to be, an attempt to corrupt thousands of young people. That was an added bonus. The real goal behind that scheme was simply to attain samples of your DNA.”
He noted the looks of disbelief on their faces, sighed, and tried a different track. “For years we had been following you and your friends. Market research indicated that you were our key archenemy demographic. As such, we decided to fight fire with fire. We at Umbrella thought that the best way to stop you was with yourselves. So over the course of several months we collected tissue and fluid samples from each of you, and combined them to create our ultimate weapon, the boy you know as Silas Blake.”
“So Silas is a combined clone?”
“In a manner of speaking, yes.”
“But you underestimated him. Your fire got out of control.”
“Yes. That is why I said it was not surprising that Silas tried to take over Umbrella. It seems the desire to ruin this corporation exists on a genetic level. But, that doesn’t matter, now, as he’s dead.”
Tony and Richard looked at each other.
“We never said he was dead.” Tony said.
Trans’ smile melted away.
“He’s still out there?! Do you realize the danger he poses?!”
“Yes, we do. But we’ve faced off with him before and won. You, on the other hand, failed to stop him. The way we see it, you’re in a lot more danger than we are.” Richard explained.
Trans’ smile returned.
“Very well, boy. But I’d imagine this will come back to haunt you.
“Now, what else do you need to ask me?”
The friends took a few moments to come to grips with the information they had just been given, and then explained their second question.
“On the way here my friend Amy and I became lost in the maze of corridors. We were walking through a dark room, feeling our way along when I accidentally opened up cages that lined the walls. The cages were filled with large, shrieking bats. The creatures descended upon us in a swooping, crawling cloud. We were both bitten on our necks. After the bite we both felt impossibly alert, but dizzy and nauseous. Later on, when fighting Mr. Hazzard, my arm was cut deeply, but healed within seconds. Just now I received a fatal wound from another energy diamond, yet, again, within minutes I was on my feet again, completely healed. What is going on?”
Trans nodded understandingly at Tony, but did not answer. Instead he turned to Richard who was staring oddly at Tony.
“What about you, my young, golden-haired adversary? Did you have a similar experience?”
“I don’t know how you could know this, but yes. Steve and I were attacked by a large dog. We managed to knock it down an elevator shaft, but it gave us both grievous bites. They soon healed, however, along with our other wounds. And although we too felt alert and sensitive, we both had tremendous headaches. Now what the hell is going on?”
Trans’ grinned. “You two are bright; you can figure this one out. What have you been debating about online? What specific mythologies have occupied your thoughts for weeks?”
Tony and Rich would not accept it.
“It can’t be.”
“You and Amy were bitten by bats, Tony,” Trans said with glee, “vampire bats. And Richard, you and Steve were not attacked by a dog, but, indeed, by a werewolf. Congratulations, gentlemen. You are both monsters!”
The two boys were stunned.
“Although, the lycanthropic and vampiric viruses were not the only things transferred through the bites. Also in the saliva of those beasts were psycho-emotional chemicals. You are both now subject to heightened aggression and uncontrollable fits of rage.
“I offer you places of honor in the Umbrella Corporation. Join me and rule as princes! Think of all we could accomplish. Join me!”
Tony and Richard found words.
“Never!” they said in unison.
“We want no part of your demented dream."
"We will never join you!”
“You fools!” Trans snapped back angrily. “You do not understand the gifts I have granted you!” He began to shake. Thin, spidery veins began to appear and pulse on his pale forehead, neck, and hands. Black veins. His voice reached a startling shriek.
Richard and Tony stumbled backward in fear as he continued.
“You think you can turn your back on me!? I’ll crush you! I’ll make you pray for death before the end!”
He seemed to catch himself and began to calm down. The veins receded. He stopped shaking. Trans adjusted his tie and spoke softly.
“Be that as it may. We will see in time how you decide.”
At this moment, Caitlin came running in.
“Guys! My mom just forced Hazzard into a settlement. We won Ninja Pirate Inc!”
Richard and Tony did not respond, so she continued.
“Because Trans was not of sound body and mind- not the you ever are, you whacko” she added, glaring at Trans- “Silas was official CEO anyway. Regardless of the reasons for the doctor’s coma, Silas, as vice-president, automatically took over until the doctor became well. Thus, any decisions made, or contracts signed, by him are legitimate and binding. Isn’t that awesome?”
Tony and Rich managed smiles, even after receiving such disturbing revelations from Trans. They turned and hugged Cait.
Taking advantage of the diversion, Trans leaned forward and pressed a large red button on one of the consoles.
Alarms went off. Red lights flashed.
The three friends whirled around to face the mad doctor.
“I’ve just initiated the self destruct sequence. Already, minor explosions are slowly tearing the building apart. When the fire hits the boiler room and the chemical vats in the sub-basement the whole complex will explode, leveling the area. I need to make my escape now, but I leave you with this: You two may think you’re still regular boys. You’re not. You’re no longer human. You are dangerous, uncontrollable animals. You’ll find no solace, no rest out there,” he indicated the outside with a sweeping gesture of his arm. “Only I can help you. You have shunned my attempts thus far, but we’ll see whose will is ultimately stronger. But for now, without further ado, I unleash you upon the world.”
With that, the seat of his chair dropped and a tunnel opened in the floor beneath him. He disappeared with a cackle and a whoosh.
Tony reacted fast, but not fast enough. His two throwing knives embedded themselves in the back of Trans’ chair; the doctor was gone.
Tony and Richard turned to Caitlin.
Cait,” Rich said, “You’ve got to get out of here. Get your mother and Martha and get out of the building. Once you make it out, round everyone up and get them as far away from the complex as possible.”
“What about you two,” Cait asked. “And what did Trans’ mean, ‘You’re animals’?”
“No time to explain, but Rich and I are now a werewolf and a vampire, respectively. We’ll be fine here, but we have some unfinished business to take care of.”
He unceremoniously flung Caitlin out the door. When she had gone, he turned to Rich.
“You ready?”
“For what?” Rich asked. “What unfinished business is there?”
“Listen. You remember the movie Resident Evil? Umbrella supposedly closed their subterranean base for good, but it opened up, infected the city, and wacky mayhem ensued. I don’t trust Trans’ self-destruct sequence. What if something deadly escapes the explosions or some dangerous technology is left salvageable? What if Blake’s viruses survive? I can’t take that chance. I need to stay and make damned sure this accursed place gets blowed up properly!”
“You remember what Trans said about violent tendencies? I think you---”
“Hey, potato, potahto.”
Tony, that doesn’t apply---”
The intense Italian broke a pipe off the wall and gripped it meaningfully.
“You gonna stand there nay-saying, or are you gonna help me smash stuff?”
He swung the heavy pipe at a computer and the machine burst into sparking shards of glass and plastic.
Richard shrugged, flipped over a table, and threw a computer across the room.
“When you’re right you’re right,” he admitted as the control room collapsed into chaotic destruction.


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