Letters from a Comic Genius

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Hang Out Gang

I have returned amigos! From the far reaches of seemingly permanent obscurity I am back. Due to several as of yet unexplained technical and sexual difficulties my internet service is down. It will eventually be repaired, but in the meantime I maintain limited contact with the web through the computers of others.

This post will be a short one, for several reasons, namely lack of time. I am merely endeavoring to regain some ground on my blog and reconnect with you readers. There are two matters I wish to discuss in this entry. Firstly, I wish to explain my projected blogging plan for the near future. This post, then another short one detailing my perfect house. After that a lengthy entertainment post, and finally a mammoth semi-fictional account of how Ninja Pirate Inc came under the leadership of the HCHSFTCT, and the temporary defeat of the Umbrella Corporation. For now, however, a simple tribute post will suffice.

I originally wanted to complete a post before, don't laugh now, Thanksgiving, detailing the various adventures I had been on with my friends before the holiday rush brought more new memories than I could manage to type down in time. Needless to say, that plan craiped thee bucketh. I then wanted to get in a few posts between Thanksgiving and Christmas, before the Pioneer Valley was once again inundated with home-coming scholars and wanderers. That failed as well. I am ashamed to say that I cannot remember half of the great times I've had with all my friends.

So, while I cannot explicitly regail you with tales of all the gatherings of our loveable band of cynics, drama queens, whackos, and perverts, I can dedicate this post to all those who revel in the night with me. We are the young, the enlightened, the children of Dionyssus! These nights will not last forever, but by God we will cherish them while they do last. So, for Tony, for Caitlin, for Andrew and Brendan and Dan. For Amy, for Will and Justin and Meg. For Steve, for Jake, for Pawel, and for Sammy, this post will be a tribute to our nightly escapades. Be it chatting at the Thirsty Mind, cruising for McNuggets and trouble, poking fun at impressively ridiculous films, or whatever the night may bring, I am more thankful than you all can possibly imagine to have such friends as you. So, (cue music) this blog's for you, and you and you and you! This blog's for you!

That will be all for now, so I'll be leaving you.

Tune in later for another happy fun-time post.

Current Mood: Satisfied yet expectant.
Current Music: The James Bond theme

P.S. Oh yeah, and I'm also going to publish a rebuttle on the vampires versus werewolves issue! I hadn't forgotten about you, Tones McKenzie! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh'llll beeeeeeee baaaaaack!


  • He's baaaaaaack.

    And none too soon! Get to work, computer slave!

    By Blogger Zoopers, at 4:35 PM  

  • yes, I also think you need to talk about life without billows of curly har attached to your skull!

    God, I'd go iNsAnE without internet for such a long time. Stay strong, Sanchez.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:56 AM  

  • Damn you bastard. We are supposed to be getting together this vacation, slut. So, I will be contacting everyone within the next few days. Expect a fucking phone call. lata

    By Blogger Sled, at 1:31 AM  

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