Letters from a Comic Genius

Monday, October 02, 2006

No one but Dan will read this for at least two weeks

Greetings, blogosphere. I hope this day finds you well.

What's that? You don't remember me?

How can this be? Think of the hours we've spent together, the discussions and quarrels, the stories and statements, the memories.

Still nothing, huh?

I suppose it's to be expected. I have been away from posting for almost a year.

I wish I could say it was a planned hiatus. I wish I could claim that I had taken a year off of my own volition, to soothe my troubled mind and focus on the more important things in life.

Alas, such is not the case.

I've been suffering through a terrible streak of melancholy, laziness, and bad luck. It is entirely my fault-- and, paradoxically enough, not at all my choice-- that this blog has gone un-updated for so long.

But, while I can't claim to be any better off, financially, physically, mentally, or emotionally, than that bleak day one year past that marked the beginning of my exile, I can state that I have come to some important conclusions.

One conclusion is that this blog is dear to me, and, while possibly not crucial to my existence, is pretty close to it. It helps maintain connections, it keeps my creatively active, and it gives me a shade of purpose.

The other conclusion is that my pants are too tight.
I'm, like, chafing in these bad boys.

So, shedding off my normal flourishing, bombastic eloquence, I stand before you today and state simply that this blog is back and here to stay. And I hope you'll all find your way back here.

. . .

Man! An update on my current status would be nice, huh?
I mean, a lot has gone on in a year that many of you poor dolts are not privy to.
Yes, an update is required.

. . .

But I ain't gonna take the time to write one.

Here is item one in this new blog post:

Any facts and figures and fill-in-the-blanks from this date stretching back to those dim days when I was still writing this thing must be formally requested in the form of a question.

Remember those questions sessions that Tony once held? It'll be like that. 'Cept I don't want to ask anything of you in return. Unless you like that sort of thing.
So! Any details you want will have to be specified. You wanna know who's kissed whom, which friendships I've started, strengthened, or left in tatters? What movies I've seen, where I've gone, what I've been doing, just ask.

I eagerly await your inquires.

Item two on the agenda is a basic plan of what's to come. I realize I've never really fulfilled my promises on proposed blog posts in the past, but I am confident now that I will follow through.

So, what's next?

First, a return to those reverse quizzes. You didn't think I'd forgotten, did you? I've done about 4 out of 20 and so have my work fairly well cut out for me.
I believe Caitlin Szewczyk's pretty little head is next on the chopping block. However, due to what a psychologist might call "technical difficulties" I will not be resuming whence I left off. I am going to leapfrog over Caitlin and move right onto that lanky, cranky, hank-panky giant of a friend, Andyroo LuhTellyay. Preceded of course by some preliminaries.
Then on to more fictional adventures.

That's all for now.
I can't think of anything worth writing just yet, save a basic log of what goes on in my life from day to day. Normally I would look upon such pedestrian topics with utmost disdain, but that attitude is more appropriate when my accounts involve anyone who would be reading them. It's fairly pointless to write about how I went to the mall with Brendan and Caitlin when Brendan and Caitlin are some of the only people to read this thing. But, now that we're all making our way in the big world, it makes a modicum of sense to let my friends, spread as they are to the far corners of the globe, what I'm doing.

So that's what you can expect in the immediate future.

Now I'm going to have a stretch, curl up with a copy of the Bhagavad-Gita, and call it a night.

But rest assured, this blog is up and running once again, and further updates are on their way.

. . .

It feels good to be back.

Good night, Ladies and Gents. I'll be typing to you soon.

Current Music: Library chatter and key-board clicking.
Current Mood: Hopeful


  • This was definitly not posted on 2 October, because I check this thing at least twice a week and today's the first time I've seen it. And even if it had been posted then... it hasn't been two weeks until tomorrow, so HA! Anywho, it's good to see you back. I had missed the sayings of Richard as presented in the online community, but all is well because now you're back! I don't know if I'm on your list of reverse-type quizzes, but if I'm not, I would like to be. I realize that it would put me at the end of the list and that it probably won't be posted until some point after our five year reunion or so... but that's fine, so long as I get to experiance the joy that is the reverse quiz.

    You used a lot of big words (as usual), and in this low oxygen environment that is 7500ft above sea level... it makes me dizzy just to think of such words (I'm out of practice). I'll have to have an O2 tank near me next time I read this thingy.

    So that all being said, let me be the first to welcome you back to the blogging community and say that it's been far too long, but I'm happy you're back.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:55 PM  

  • Not here on October 2nd, you say?

    Why, that my friend is what we call the marvelous mystery of Christmas.

    By Blogger Richard Joseph, at 6:37 PM  

  • Yeah! I'm in the title now! That's good, considering my lack of being on the East Coast, I doubt I'll feature much in many posts for a while. I guess I can live with that... but I mean seriously, a title?! Whoo! Take that people only mentioned in the body of the blog!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:49 PM  

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