Letters from a Comic Genius

Friday, June 03, 2005

Last Call

Public Service Announcement:

The opportunity to respond to the Reverse Quiz is fast approaching oblivion. If there are any timid lurkers still skulking about, or any loyal commentators who have not yet had their say, now is the time to act! Just slap yer name down upon my comment section an' I'll do yer up proper.
There are several people who I know will never respond to this urgent message, on account of they . . . uh . . . what's that word? . . . hate me. However, I'm not bigoted. I'll compose a few heartfelt lines for them as well, without them even asking me to.
So, if you want to know what I think of you, comment.

And, to all those who have already commented and are waiting in white-knuckled, watery-eyed anticipation, fear not. You will soon be in possession of the facts. Or, I guess, opinions in this case. No more chafing at the bit for you. No more constantly wiping up the mess made by your slavering jaws.

The deadline is tomorrow at midnight. I promise you (and we all know how reliable I am) that the personal write-ups will be on your PC's by Monday morning, if not Sunday night, so that you may face the week with (in most cases) joyful, teary eyes and swelling bosoms.

Tee Hee . . . "bosoms" . . .

Tee hee . . . "swelling" . . .

Tee hee . . . "and" . . .

That will be all. Good day, fair citizens of Blogcity.

End Public Service Transmission.